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150 Sierra match king

01 Apr 2014
@ 06:57 pm (GMT)

Eugene Galebach

problems with 150 Sierra match king bullets at max loads


01 Apr 2014
@ 08:02 pm (GMT)

Mike Neeson

Re: 150 Sierra match king
Sorry Eugene, is that a statement or a question? Could you be more specific on calibre, etc. Are you having problems? Do you want to know if there are any problems? What velocity are we talking about? Have you read the knowledge database on the calibre concerned?
02 Apr 2014
@ 02:09 pm (GMT)

Eugene Galebach

Re: 150 Sierra match king
308 win. 150 gr. w748 power at 49 grains chron. at 2967. Shoots 2 and 3 inch groups at 100 yards. I have Hornady 150 gr. same load and shot .5 inch groups at 100 yards.
02 Apr 2014
@ 11:40 pm (GMT)

Mike Neeson

Re: 150 Sierra match king
I hate to post the obvious but... sounds like the hornady is the way to go. I don't have any experience with the 150's but some barrels will shoot one projectile really well and others not. I'm guessing there may be a difference in bearing surfaces, jacket construction etc. There may be a problem with the projectiles being quite short for caliber which can cause poor neck concentricity, but hard to tell because I don't know which hornady you are talking about. Have you thought of moving up to the 168 or 178 AMAX? I have had some excellent results with the 168 AMAX myself.
03 Apr 2014
@ 03:26 pm (GMT)

Eugene Galebach

Re: 150 Sierra match king
I have Hornady 165 gr. SST to try. I have noticed that the Sierra 150 gr. are out of concentricity by 5 thous. or more and the bullet length can 10 thous. to 15 thous. differences. I am also going to try lower powder charges in the sierra loads to see what happens.
03 Apr 2014
@ 09:35 pm (GMT)

Mike Neeson

Re: 150 Sierra match king
Personally I wouldn't bother mucking around with the sierras... they clearly aren't doing too well. I think you will find the 165 SST very good. How long is your barrel and what action are you using? I, through Nathan's research, have had great success with H4895/IMR4895 in my 20" remington 700 SPS Tactical. My current load is 44.5 of AR2206h/H4895 under the 168AMAX - the 165 SST can be duplicated for this load.
Also read the Cartridge over all length article of Nathan's - read the whole thing.


and if you plan to give this a go, start under the max of 43.5 and work up in .5 grain increments. Maybe start at 42.5? KEEPING CLOSE EYE ON PRESSURE SIGNS as you progress. Here is an excellent article on what to look for.

Good luck and hope this helps
03 Apr 2014
@ 11:06 pm (GMT)

Nathan Foster

Re: 150 Sierra match king
Thanks Mike, that would have been my reply.

I hope Mikes advice helps Eugene. All the best.


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