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Which .243 Hornady?

01 Nov 2015
@ 10:29 pm (GMT)

Nicholas Bouyoucas

I'm new to hunting and use factory loads (wild hog and whitetail deer at 150 yards or less). I rely on Hornady SST loads for all my purposes in my 30-06. My daughter is in a youth hunting program for hogs (30-100 yards) and deer (75-100 yards) and I'm having trouble picking which Hornady load to use. 95gr SST Superformance Varmint (3,185 fps); 100 gr InterLock American Whitetail (2,960 fps); and 80 gr GMX Full Boar (3,325 fps)? Can I rely on the 95 gr SST for her .243? the word "varmint" throws me off. Thanks for any help.


01 Nov 2015
@ 11:13 pm (GMT)

Nathan Foster

Re: Which .243 Hornady?
Hi Nic, at these ranges the GMX will be the go.

My main concern is reliability if a large boar is encountered. The SST is otherwise fine if shields are out of the equation.

Keep shots forwards with the GMX bullet and all should go well (see KB). The other option is to use the Barnes TTSX if you can find it. This has a very wide HP and is quite devastating.


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