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TBR Web site's pages 5th Anniversary collectors book?

15 Jun 2015
@ 01:03 am (GMT)

Warwick Marflitt

Hey Sharp shooters! Who would like to have all the pages , topics and information that Nathan and Steph have compiled on here in a nice book? It could be a 5th year Anniversary edition? With all the pictures and even some of the discussion forum topics thrown into the mix. I'd like to have one for sure. How much would you pay for it? I'm thinking about $ ??? Per book . Because then I wouldn't have to be reliant on the Internet and phone reception to get the information contained within this site? What do you all think. Relax Nathan, all you or Steph need to do is write a small introduction for inside the front cover and then you can get the publisher and editor to cut and paste the Website into chapters and "Walla!" As the French say " There it is ". I'm sure it will look good on the coffee table.

What do you all think ?


15 Jun 2015
@ 03:38 am (GMT)

Dan Keene

Re: TBR Web site's pages 5th Anniversary collectors book?
Brilliant idea Warwick! Absolutely stellar!
Nathan that is book six sorted. Put me down for a copy.
Cheers, Dan.
15 Jun 2015
@ 08:59 am (GMT)

Thomas Kitchen

Re: TBR Web site's pages 5th Anniversary collectors book?
great idea warwick.
remember to have at least a chapter for some of the great humorist post's and comments that pop up here.

Guns n old girls both are finicky and have their special sweet spots? I can think of a few I'd like to re-investigate? My old LE 303, 22lr Miroku lever gun, Juliette . Cindy and Fleur. .
As I remember they all hit the target!

thought stuff like this was gold but you would have to hide your copy of the book from the wife aye warwick
15 Jun 2015
@ 09:16 am (GMT)

Warwick Marflitt

Re: TBR Web site's pages 5th Anniversary collectors book?
Hey Thomas I don't have one so that's not an issue. Thanks for the reminder though. You will never forget a good sweet spot.! I think the book would be a good seller And a collectable one too?
15 Jun 2015
@ 10:42 am (GMT)

Warwick Marflitt

Re: TBR Web site's pages 5th Anniversary collectors book?
Hey Thomas the Grizzly protection posts would be great too.

Les MulloyRe: Ideal lightweight gun for grizzly protectionUpon reading some of the posts here I must say that some of the methods and suggestions seem rather extreme to me -- in my neck of the woods the following methods are employed to control GRIZZLY"S 
1/ do the washing up without being asked to 
2/ offer to wash clothes or at least help to hang them out 
3/ tell them their hair looks nice at least twice per week 
4/ pick flowers from the garden often 
5/ make sure the fire is lit before they get home from work ( seasonal ) 
6/ ensure you empty the vacuum cleaner when you are finished 
7/ find out what they like to drink and keep ample supply in fridge 
8/ do not wait in the car at supermarkets- go in and push the trolley 
9/ always ask how their day has been 
10/ keep a close eye on the calender ??? ( birth days are very important ) 
These methods greatly reduce the risk of serious attacks occurring but it is always wise to have an escape route planned 

ha ha.
15 Jun 2015
@ 08:10 pm (GMT)

Nathan Foster

Re: TBR Web site's pages 5th Anniversary collectors book?
Hi Warwick, this plan is in the mix- but I need the KB fully completed first. That means finishing the current book series, then finally moving onto the KB completion. It has certainly been a major undertaking.

One day at a time.
15 Jun 2015
@ 09:52 pm (GMT)

Warwick Marflitt

Re: TBR Web site's pages 5th Anniversary collectors book?
Hey Nathan. You can print and sell what you have completed successfully so far. It's a 5 year celebration of what you guys have achieved in that time. The rest of your work can go in the 10th anniversary edition? It doesn't have to be 100% perfect? Because it's a bloody great selection of sound BS free information. Think of it as a TBR Birthday party ?

Do you remember your first post on the 8th October 2010? In Ross Goldsacks Discussion Forum post "Wow this is cool".

Nathan Foster
Thanks, glad you guys are enjoying the visit. Heck, we have only been live for an hour or so!

Anyway mate she's a great site thanks for sharing your passion for things that go
Bang! Wizz............. ting. thud wallop or thump depending on its size.


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