@ 08:16 pm (GMT) |
Craig HenardAre these aluminum oxide pads or just plastic mesh ?I see that both are advertised on ebay I am wanting to get some for barrel breakin but want to make sure I am getting the right thing ! A link to the right product sure would be appreciated ! Thanks Craig |
@ 08:46 pm (GMT) |
chris murphyRe: Maroon scotchbrit and norton padsHi Craig your cheapest option is go down to your local paint and panel shop we use scotchy every day for prepping cars for paint they will more than likely give you a bit as you won't need much. [b] |
@ 09:03 pm (GMT) |
Nathan FosterRe: Maroon scotchbrit and norton padshttp://www.ebay.com/itm/Norton-66261074700-6X9-Bear-Tex-Hand-Pads-Maroon-Box-Of-20-/360486647662?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item53eeadb76e |
@ 09:09 pm (GMT) |
Craig HenardRe: Maroon scotchbrit and norton padsThanks Chris but I dont have a local paint shop.I am just going to order one and need product number or link to which pad to get. |
@ 09:13 pm (GMT) |
Craig HenardRe: Maroon scotchbrit and norton padsThanks Nathan |