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Bullet coating with Chrome Moly or Boron Nitride

10 Jul 2014
@ 07:56 pm (GMT)

Nick Aagren

I'm coating all my bullets with Boron Nitride. I started doing this for my 6mmBR target rifle shooting 300m & 500m bench rest and now I use it on all my bullets for hunting. Target shooters use it to reduce copper fouling so you can go through 50 rounds or more in a competition without cleaning. Certainly I get very little copper fouling in my barrel.

What I can't see as I don't have a bore scope is the amount of heat cracking in the barrel throat. Nathan have you had experience of how these bullet coatings affect the heat crazing/cracking of the barrel throat?

Would you still recommend the use of autosol or JB bore brite and the mauve poly pads in a barrel using these coatings?



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