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Lug lapping on the Remington 700

17 Mar 2014
@ 06:41 am (GMT)

Mike Neeson

Am I correct in saying that lug lapping should only be done with the barrel off? Or is there some new fangled way of applying even rearward pressure to the lugs without having to use a spring tensioning device in the the action threads? If there is I'd like to give it a go. Have always wanted it done but haven't been able to justify pulling the barrel.


17 Mar 2014
@ 02:55 pm (GMT)

Nathan Foster

Re: Lug lapping on the Remington 700
Can you wait for the next book Mike? Will have full instructions to go with all the other steps and yes you can do it yourself.
17 Mar 2014
@ 08:04 pm (GMT)

Mike Neeson

Re: Lug lapping on the Remington 700
Yep sure.


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