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Bit of a long watch but oh well

09 Jul 2023
@ 07:45 pm (GMT)


Hi Guys

Thought I would post this link as it looks like they would like to have Nathan on the podcast (reading between the lines).

It's a bit of a long watch and you may not be interested Nathan, but thought I would point it out anyway




10 Jul 2023
@ 07:05 am (GMT)

Nathan Foster

Re: Bit of a long watch but oh well
Hi Vince, thanks for the heads up. Will keep an eye out for any incoming mail.
10 Aug 2023
@ 09:37 am (GMT)

Magnus Hansson

Re: Bit of a long watch but oh well
Nathan on that pod would be epic! Love the episode 6,5 swede vs 6,5 creed ..on terminal ballistics however, they often don’t really nail things.
08 Sep 2023
@ 11:46 am (GMT)

David Lenzi

Re: Bit of a long watch but oh well
Would love to see a Nathan and Chris Way team up...

I've read two articles recently from Chris, briefly summed as:

1. Good fundamentals (aka: transferable skills) don't require a heavy rifle, light recoil, and special gear (article title: "how heavy is too heavy, rifle weight").

2. Prone is easy, and you can use a competition minded skill set (with comp gear) for prone shooting. A perfect prone shot is a rare one in the field... and every other position requires you to come off axis (i.e. form a "stable triangle"). That article is "Get up, Stand up!" for reference.

He's pulled in a lot of target data from folks going through classes or willing to share. Another opportunity to nail the issue of fundamentals, transferable skills and how it affects the ability to make impacts.


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