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New rifle

27 May 2022
@ 06:50 pm (GMT)

Francis Saunders

Well unfortunately my much beloved BSA will need to be retired.
The action is just not playing ball. Won’t feed on the second round, not every time but enough to be bloody annoying. Had my gun maker look at it. Long story short it’s a lost cause.
So looking into a new rifle.
With the game dealers here now insisting on non-lead bullets for game I need to also look at caliber.
Most of my hunting is in the 400y range. So I think 308. But yes have also looked at the caliber which shall not be named******
I’d like the short action, just to keep weight down but from all I’ve read 30cal looks to be the go in the future with these stupid copper thingy’s!
Choice so far.
Mauser M18 in stainless. Q: Anyone got one? If so have you bedded it if it’s not shooting?
Bergara Extreme B14, same questions as above.
This rifle is a bit more expensive, but I do like it more.
Anyway look forward to the reply’s.


28 May 2022
@ 07:39 am (GMT)

Scott Struif

Re: New rifle
Hi Francis.

In a post last week entitled “Whitetail and Black Bear - Fast Killing Monolithics,” the curator of this site commented on the use of copper bullets:

“As a general rule, not taking any brands into consideration - if you want a mono bullet to kill fast, select a projectile that can be driven fast. Do not use the bullet below an impact velocity of 2600fps if the expectation is of an on the spot or near on the spot kill. An impact velocity of 2400fps will often result in a short to medium length dead run. Expect slow kills from 2200fps and below.”

I doubt a 308 would be suitable.
28 May 2022
@ 08:09 am (GMT)

Nathan Foster

Re: New rifle
Hi Francis, I don't have much nice to say about the M18. It takes everything good about the Mauser name and shits on it for the sake of expedient consumerism. I suppose it could be viewed as an 'affordable option' for serfs but it doesn't really come over this way. Tikka mastered the affordable lugless receiver design a very long time ago so you may as well go to the source if you want to go this route. The Tikka is also very light and being a one sized action, you have the option of the .30-06 which can run a 110 or 130gr at very high speeds. The M18 has a terrible bedding platform, the tang is molested and uses studs rather than traditional action screws. The Tikka has a clean bedding platform.

The Bergara is very nice - a traditional design with a clean bedding platform. Initial deign problems / flaws have been resolved in the last two years. Bergara have also refrained from making everything (i.e. trigger guard) from plastic. The Extreme is however a very short barreled rifle. Best to run a muffler to keep the noise down as 18" puts the blast too close to the ears. Expect to run the 130gr at around in the 2900 to 2950fps in the .308.

OK, hope that helps a bit.
28 May 2022
@ 11:11 pm (GMT)

Francis Saunders

Re: New rifle
Thanks Scott yes read that.

Brilliant Nathan just the info I was looking for. Yeah the barrel is short, but it’s in my price range.
I need to be realistic on what distance I’m shooting. I’d love to be in on the 700 yard stuff but with the ground I have it’s 400 450 max.
Sounds like I should go 3006


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