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Concentricity gauge (Bullet runout)

15 Jul 2020
@ 09:28 am (GMT)

Aaron Winter

Hi I have brought 2 of Nathan's books (Long rang hunting rifles and Long range shooting)and I am still in the process of reading and processing them, as well as practicing the shooting techniques.
While reading these as well as watching his YouTube videos he mentions bullet runout quite a bit. I would like to check my rounds for runout so can you recommend a good gauge for this?
I will eventually by the Reloading book and i sure this will be answered in there, but i would like to finish my current books first and get proficient in my shooting before going to the next step.


15 Jul 2020
@ 07:27 pm (GMT)

H Gibbs

Re: Concentricity gauge (Bullet runout)
Hi Aaron I had a similar query a few months back and the Sinclair was recommended, have no personal experience as yet but if its advice that's vetted on this forum that's good enough for me.
I think Hornady has a new product on the market since that time? No word as yet on it but unless it's better bang for buck IMHO why would you?
16 Jul 2020
@ 07:06 am (GMT)

Nathan Foster

Re: Concentricity gauge (Bullet runout)
Hi Aaron, I generally recommend the Sinclair tool. There are however other basic V block style designs that work effectively.

I do not currently recommend the Hornady tool as recent units have shown issues.
16 Jul 2020
@ 08:58 am (GMT)

Aaron Winter

Re: Concentricity gauge (Bullet runout)
Thanks H Gipps and Nathan, I was looking seriously at the Hornady one as it looked easier to use so lucky I asked.
I'm going to get my shooting down pat first and see what sort of groups I get before I get one.
16 Jul 2020
@ 12:39 pm (GMT)

Philipp M

Re: Concentricity gauge (Bullet runout)
I remember looking at pictures of the Sinclair and wondering how to use it, but once you have the Sinclair assembled and in front of you, it's really obvious how it works.
16 Jul 2020
@ 02:07 pm (GMT)

Hamish Gibbs

Re: Concentricity gauge (Bullet runout)
I was not sure if past recommendations were inclusive of the latest offerings so thank you again for the advice Nathan.


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