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Frank VallichThe hunter claims this cartridge, @ 250 yards, entered hitting lungs and nicking the heart and exited the 400 lb moose without hitting bone(Shoulder or Ribs). Animal took three strides and expired.@ 250 yards this bullet is 2215 ft/sec and 2200 J or 1600 ft/lbs. @ 25 yards this bullet is 2782 ft/sec and 3500 J or 2600 ft/lbs. I don't believe the distance claimed is correct for this cartridge to perform in such a manner. Especially on the thick coat and heavy hide of this ungulate. I'm not familiar with the .270 so definitely requesting experienced shot placement comments. Thanks |
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Paul LevermanRe: .270 firing 150 grn Winchester Power PointJust sayin':First, a 400lb. moose is either a calf, or a very small mature moose. Second, shot description of no bone contact; entirely possible, seen and done Third, distance is probably inaccurate, but who knows? Fourth, moose are notoriously easy to kill, the .270 is prevalent in most camps And last, if the bullet hit the lungs and nicked the heart, isn't that in the vicinity of the thoracic plexus? No indication whether the bullet fragmented or pencilled through, but if it did fragment, the description is plausible. In addition to the first comment, moose hide and hair is thickest on the back as it is on most prey animals. If this was a calf, resistance would be minimal at best. Any idea which area of the province this moose was taken? That could have some bearing on it as well. |
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Robert McLeanRe: .270 firing 150 grn Winchester Power PointI'm in alberta and I've been shooting moose with a .270 my whole shooting life up til now. Used that exact round lots because my it was my grandfathers gun and he bought the cartridges and they were the cheapest. Seemed like a box would last years. I bet 10 moose by me alone with his gun. Old Winchester 70 with a weaver 6x 40mm scope. All broadside lung/heart shots, very hard to miss.They see you then tend take a few steps to turn away, then half way stand broadside and look at you. Fish in a barrel once you find one if it hasn't been shot at alot. Frankly once we found one we would try to wait until they were slightly nose up on a bit of a hill. Easier gutting that way with 2 people. May sound too simple but that is my experience. Most less than 250 yds but not all. I remember one big cow I shot, she just stood there for a couple of seconds, I reloaded but she dropped. The bullet still all one smallish mushroom up against the ribs on the other side. Holes through or even nicking the lungs bleed lots, heart or not. I can't ever remember one that went any significant distance. I think they are too heavy once wounded in the lungs like that and don't have the steam. I have heard of bulls that keep coming but none of mine ever did... The hide on the side of them is not that thick and the ribs on a normal one are not that big. Not like shoulder or any part of the legs. A big bull is a bit different but its still not a musk ox, Buffalo or Grizzly. The only issue I have looking back is that they were mostly all still alive when I finally got to them and either took their last breath in front of me or i had to finish. Not clean fast kills. Minutes not seconds. In my experience, deer run way more often after a lung or heart shot. I don't doubt the possibility of it at all. Some people do exaggerate shooting distance. Sort of like the fish that got away or how far they can hit a golf ball, etc... |
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Frank VallichRe: .270 firing 150 grn Winchester Power PointMariana Lake area, Alberta.Waiting for the moose to face nose up on a hill. Now there is an experienced hand with moose. I was always excited to get on with the shot and not experienced enough to wait for the moose to stand in a better location. I used a .303 just as most of us back in the late 60s and early 70s. Always took two shots. I upgraded to a 30-06 to ensure a quick kill. Thanks for your replies. |
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Robert McLeanRe: .270 firing 150 grn Winchester Power PointI am central alberta. When I was young we always hunted in the mountains they were just starting to log a lot and there were moose out there still. Don't see a moose out there now. Then we started to hunt more in the east in very hilly land with small patches of bush and trees and swamps in the hollows. That is where they are and when they see you the start off and inevitably when they get into the open they are going up a hill of some sort. Pretty easy. They manage the population in that area well too, takes about 4 years to get a cow tag and 5-6 for a bull. The issue is getting permission now. |
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Luis VazquezRe: .270 firing 150 grn Winchester Power PointIf the lungs were destroyed and the heart damaged it is possible the moose died quickly as Paul mentioned. Also it sure is possible to miss al bone, it reminds me of a very nice mule deer I dropped with the 7mm-08 with the 139gr SST at about 120m, all lungs and no bone, not even a rib. I had never seen a deer drop so fast and dead, hit it and it went down and did not move after that.It does sound like a very small moose at only 400 lbs. |