@ 10:23 am (GMT) |
Andrew MurrayG'day team!I was gifted a large number of Norma 7mm08 brass yesterday. All fired, some primed, some cleaned, some still not de-capped... I am curious to know how difficult it will be to re-size them for my 308? Can I do this with the simple full sizing or neck sizing die from Lee? If it's possible I'll use these for dual loads, these will become my bush/woods/stalking loads. Thanks team! |
@ 11:22 am (GMT) |
Thomas KitchenRe: 7mm - 08 brasshi Andrewjust lube and full length size them in 308 die. you have probably worked that out by now, can fire form them then go back to neck size after that. runout can be issue with converting brass. its pretty fun trying stuff though, i'm converting 7mm rem mag brass to 6.5 rem mag brass that's been learning stage for me as its taking about 7 stages to do it. its different length so its kinder like trying to make 260 brass out of 30.06 brass. |
@ 11:14 pm (GMT) |
Andrew MurrayRe: 7mm - 08 brassCheers Thomas!Going down I imagine you have a little more brass to play with. Do you know how the brass evens out when you go up? Do the walls get thinner across the whole case (not by much if so) or is it just the neck? Also I imagine not by much but I can the potential for the brass to be a bit weaker there. I think Norma is a softer brass (??) so maybe it will even out across the whole case after a few firings. |
@ 05:35 am (GMT) |
Paul LevermanRe: 7mm - 08 brassI've not done 7mm to .308, but I have done some neck excercises. What I've found to be most important is making sure that your expander and/or inside neck are well lubricated with Imperial wax. It doesn't have to be hanging off in great globs, but don't be lacking. Another important step is to go slow. Partial size then retract, relube (if necessary) and repeat. Concentrate on sizing the neck first, worry about the case after. You really don't want to jam your expander in there and crush the neck into the 308 Accordion Magnum. |
@ 07:48 am (GMT) |
Andrew MurrayRe: 7mm - 08 brassBetter trade mark that accordion magnum name before someone else does Paul haha! Thanks for the advice. I will give it a go then get back with some results |
@ 02:11 pm (GMT) |
IainRe: 7mm - 08 brassIf you are using conventional dies, a carbide expander button will help. They are available for Redding dies. Don't know about other die manufacturers |
@ 12:49 am (GMT) |
Ed SybertRe: 7mm - 08 brassRedding Reloading makes tapered expanding buttons:http://redding-reloading.com/online-catalog/32-tapered-size-buttons I've used these in making 6PPC from 220 Russian brass, etc. The gradual taper as compared to the standard expander button makes the job run smoother. You still need Imperial Wax or similar. |