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08 Jan 2019
@ 10:35 am (GMT)

Andrew Murray

Hi team,

Just wondering if you might be able to help. Recently I took my old man's shotgun out to shoot some birds. I was unable to clean properly before going away for 4 days and all I had on had was some WD40. I sprayed a heap of it down both barrels as a protective measure until I got home.

When I did arrive back and had a chance to clean it properly I first put a blank patch down the barrels to clean out the WD40 so I could get other cleaners in there.

What happened was that the swabs were covered in a filthy thick layer of almost paste like carbon. Essentially I think it did a really god job of cleaning the barrels! More came out than I would have assumed was in there.

Now I am wondering if it was simply the time factor or does WD40 have some kind of special cleaning power?

Cheers guys!


08 Jan 2019
@ 07:02 pm (GMT)

Warwick Marflitt

Re: WD40
Hey Andrew. Happy new year to you. I'm pretty sure that it's just Kerosene/diesel/jet A1
( Hydrocarbon) mixed with light oil. It's dearer than petrol if you brought it by the litre instead you paying $16.00 for 440mls or by the fluid ounce. ATF Automatic transmission fluid is full of detergents and cleaning properties. I'm guessing that the time you soaked it for was the reason why you got the crud off. Are they Chrome barrels.?
08 Jan 2019
@ 09:12 pm (GMT)

Ben Law

Re: WD40
Andrew, all we used for years was wd40 and rp7 to clean our shot guns. And I still do.
It may not be the "best" way? im not sure
They always seemed clean, shot well and never had rust problems. And it was quick and easy and we always had a can or 2 in the shed.

If you look down the bore after shooting, notice all the burnt powder residue? that's what all the paste like stuff was that you removed.

Warwick, ever noticed that petrol $1.30/L is basically still the cheapest thing you can buy at a servo? bottle of coke $3-4, bottle of water $2 for 600ml.
09 Jan 2019
@ 03:18 am (GMT)

mark korte

Re: WD40
WD40 used to be all I ever used unless I was deep cleaning a rifle barrel. I have since backed off and gone to a more traditional "gun oil" for most maintenance. One thing I would warn about using a lot of WD40 (and probably any oil) is that if you have wood stocks on your guns store them muzzle down. Lubricants can seep into the butt stock when stored butt down and literally turn the wood near the receiver to mush. Maybe more of an issue with shotguns by design but I've had it happen.
09 Jan 2019
@ 08:35 am (GMT)

Andrew Murray

Re: WD40
Cheers for the replies all,

And Happy New Year to you too Warwick! The barrels are just regular steel, it's a Miroku MK10 sporter like this

It's a nice gun but tends to shoot low for me. I am sure there is something about sight picture and what not but I just aim a little higher...

Great to know about the possible damage to the stocks. I've only ever let it sit flat with anything in the barrel, once it goes back to the safe for (upright) storage it is fully cleaned.

Thanks again team!
09 Jan 2019
@ 10:54 am (GMT)

Ben Law

Re: WD40
It shoots low because its a sporter, lower height comb.
If you lift the comb (cheek riser) the gun will shoot higher.
I shoot a miroku trap gun, higher comb, means i shoot just below the target, i like it because i think i can maintain a clear sight of the target without blanking it out with the barrel like i might with a sporter or field model, although it never seemed to bother me much when i was growing up.
The miroku's are a nice gun. Good value.
09 Jan 2019
@ 01:12 pm (GMT)

Thomas Kitchen

Re: WD40
Happy new year every one

Few of the suppressor manufacturers with sealed units recommend cleaning them by spraying wd40 down them
it'll removed carbon but not copper fouling
Been mainly what I have used on a semi auto shotgun for years, not that I use it much these days to much of an aimer to be any good on a shotgun.

We can complain about cost of aerosol lubricants but when was last time any of us used an oil can so can't be that bad.

Just thought I would mention when I was young and we were all running around with cheap Chinese air rifles, mate told me put little bit of diesel behind the pallet as diesel explodes under pressure
well I don't know if it every exploded but I believe some leaked into the piston lubricating it
changed it from the puff kinder feeling to a bang when you pulled the trigger and still remember clearly smoking a possum off the old ladies compose bin with it, killing it on the spot.

09 Jan 2019
@ 04:42 pm (GMT)

Andrew Murray

Re: WD40
Cheers Ben,

That advice is really helpful. I'll try a bit of a cheek pad to raise it a touch and hopefully have something shooting a little more in line with what I'm seeing.

And Thomas I hear you. I was trying to shoot some Indian Myna birds but they are wary of people (from being shot at before) so it's hard to get close enough to start with and by the time the gun is up they are gone.

I switched to my 22 rather than shottie and took them down from a distance they thought was safe! Aiming does have its benefits.

I had thought about the 308 for some really long range shots... Really gives credence to the phrase "over gunned".
10 Jan 2019
@ 03:12 am (GMT)

mark korte

Re: WD40
" I was trying to shoot some Indian Myna birds but they are wary of people (from being shot at before) so it's hard to get close enough to start with and by the time the gun is up they are gone. "

That's easy. Just make some India Myna Bird decoys. But be forewarned - start down this rat hole and pretty soon you'll forget all about rifles and be thinking about having that shotgun stock custom fit to you...


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