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MagnetoSpeed V3 Chronograph

13 Jun 2016
@ 04:35 pm (GMT)

Ricardo Laborin

Gents, morning to you all....

Who here has used the MagnetoSpeed?? Seems very groundbreaking from the tech used.


13 Jun 2016
@ 06:31 pm (GMT)

Thomas Kitchen

Re: MagnetoSpeed V3 Chronograph
hi Ricardo
i have heard good thing about these, there is 2 advantages one you can't shoot your chrono and 2 you get a true muzzle reading.
the down side is it must effect barrel harmonics so you would be better doing your load development then strapping it on to check velocity.

caldwell has just brought out an interesting chrono as well its like a standard one but upside down
14 Jun 2016
@ 01:46 pm (GMT)

Mike Neeson

Re: MagnetoSpeed V3 Chronograph
Here's some testing done by Bryan Litz

Magneto out performed most, no POI change was detected by having it attached to the barrel.
14 Jun 2016
@ 03:57 pm (GMT)

Ricardo Laborin

Re: MagnetoSpeed V3 Chronograph
Mike thanks a lot for this link, super good info.

Given the results, the MagnetoSpeed seems like a no brainer, more so when my max shooting distances are paltry when compared to this Forum's average.

14 Jun 2016
@ 08:00 pm (GMT)

Nathan Foster

Re: MagnetoSpeed V3 Chronograph
Statement reads:

" Mounting the MagnetoSpeed to your barrel may be alarming to some shooters who use a chronograph for load development due to the possibility of its affecting barrel harmonics. This aspect of the MagnetoSpeed was not specifically tested during this study, but I can say that I haven’t noticed a significant shift in zero for the rifles I’ve used it on".

I would assume he was using a .308 heavy barrel as he often does. I have never ever seen this author use the basic yet common Tikka T3 rifle or other high recoiling light to mid contour barreled sporters, hence the honest caveat- not specifically tested. Such rifles are not conducive to isolated exterior ballistics research.

15 Jun 2016
@ 01:08 pm (GMT)

Ricardo Laborin

Re: MagnetoSpeed V3 Chronograph
Don NF, I didn't quite get your last paragraph? In layman's terms - this would not suffice to get accurate readings overall??
15 Jun 2016
@ 11:52 pm (GMT)

Martin Taylor

Re: MagnetoSpeed V3 Chronograph
I have not used these but can offer the following findings by some very experienced LR target/game fella's I deal with on heavy barrelled rigs that use them.

These have PIO effects at range, generally high so only used during development to check fps and ES. Extremely accurate and repeatable results regardless of conditions, light levels etc.

I would expect a big effect on harmonics with a general purpose, light weight barrel. As an example the Tikka sporter with in pressure point barrel loading is what l take from that Ricardo.
A big plus for a "normal style Crono" is all load development can be shot across it with zero effect on performance. This leaves ES, PIO & Groups to be shown for they are. As long as suitable, stable light conditions are available.
16 Jun 2016
@ 03:05 pm (GMT)

Bryan Webster

Re: MagnetoSpeed V3 Chronograph
I have two Shooting Chrony units with the add-on light for the top of them and agree with what bryan Litz has said. That being said however, I did not jump onto the Magnetospeed right away, and now a new improved model has been released...always seems to go this way with new products.

I have used one and must admit to really liking the ease of setting it up and the accuracy as well as precision on load averaging is nice to have. Pretty pricey so far up here in Canada, and I am waiting to see if more Western Canadian merchants bring them in. So far few have done so but will order them one at a time for people.

What I do with my shooting chrony is take 5 shots and average them, enter the info into my ballistics program on my iPhone, then shoot out to 100, 200, 300, 400 and 500 yards and use the drop to calibrate my ballistics program. This works for me with more than acceptable results.

But I WILL got one of the Magnetospeeds sooner rather than later as I like my toys!
16 Jun 2016
@ 03:58 pm (GMT)

Bryan Webster

Re: MagnetoSpeed V3 Chronograph
Here is a Canadian retailer in southern BC who sells the V3 Magnetospeed for $650.00


We are a small, family run business, based out of Taranaki, New Zealand, who specialize in cartridge research and testing, and rifle accurizing.
