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A story that may be of intrest to some of you

19 Mar 2016
@ 02:09 pm (GMT)

john feyereisn

I have a coworker that is pretty hardcore trophy archery whitetail hunter here in southern MN USA. it has been a fairly early spring and he has us usual per him has been out soending alot of time looking for shed anltlers. He was walking a natur preserve and found a dead 8 point buck that was a pretty nice deer. for firearms season the area i live is only open to slug shotgun and said deer had a slug hole right behind its shoulder. Through the shoulder would have been better but the presumably entrance hole was centered top to bottom and just barely missed the shoulder behind. It should have been a pretty short dead run at least buy here he was at a estimated 6-800 yds from the nearest edge of the presereve, and as populated as it is around i just dont see someone poaching it in the preserve, there are alot of houses and a state prison easily within earshot. he was amazed the deer went un recovered.


19 Mar 2016
@ 03:08 pm (GMT)

Joshua Mayfield

Re: A story that may be of intrest to some of you
John, I grew up hunting whitetails in Illinois with arrows and shotgun slugs. As brutally effective as a well placed slug is inside 100 yards, the efforts made in the last 20 years to extend the range of slug hunters have focused on the extension of accurate shooting range. I do not believe the design of extended range slugs has progressed as far in the terminal performance department as in the accuracy department. I'm inclined to think that some of the guys who've invested in the Tar-Hunt, the Browning slug gun, and other means to extend a slug's reach have not given thought to the possibility that even though it's a very large "pinhole" their slugs could be failing to expand adequately at some of the ranges they are now able to shoot.

One thing I a sure of - no one has compiled a KB-like database on shotgun slugs. As the accuracy potential of shotgun slugs increases slug design needs also to advance in terminal performance or there will likely be a lot of uncovered deer in states like MN and IL that eventually die with large, seemingly well places entry wounds. Let's face it - there are far more hunters out there now who can hit a deer at 200 yards than there are guys who can track it 200 yards or further if the blood slows down. At some point you wonder if there's any benefit left to the shotgun only seasons.
19 Mar 2016
@ 04:57 pm (GMT)

mark korte

Re: A story that may be of intrest to some of you
I couldn't agree more. The same can be said for modern archery equipment -
compound bows w/sites allow for marvelously accurate shooting at ever greater ranges, but the long range killing results don't follow the accuracy. It makes people believe they are good enough to take 50 yard shots on big tough animals like bull elk. That coupled with poor tracking skills have resulted in a lot more wounded animals that are never recovered. Its not at all uncommon for a harvested elk to have a broadhead encysted in a shoulder that it could not penetrate. The ridiculous marketing strategies of companies selling this stuff only encourage this knuckle-headed behavior.
Its really no wonder public attitudes towards hunters is in the gutter - too many deserve it.


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