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Gratuitous suggestion

21 Nov 2020
@ 12:50 pm (GMT)

Scott Struif

Nathan’s recent email to members contained a link to his new Vimeo feed, where he answers random questions posted on this forum, via video responses. I learned about this new feature before today’s email, because he posted a link to it in a forum thread I’ve been following. I’ve been watching some of the videos, and picking up tidbits of info that, if I poured over the books, are probably there. Still, it’s worth hearing live. I realized that much of what I had read, and thought I absorbed, was lost. I realized, too, that, although I have bought several of his books, I’ve picked his brain enough for free. Today, I ordered a couple of the books I didn’t have, even though I don’t hunt long-range, and use garden-variety cartridges. I am dubious whether either The Practical Guide To Long Range Cartridges, or The Practical Guide To Long Range Rifles, will help me. Why? Because Nathan has already made his knowledge of the 30-06, 308, 243, etc, available for free. (However, I’m sure that I will enjoy reading them.) So, I’ll get to the point: I think he should set up a subscription service where you pay a monthly membership fee for . . . for example . . . reviews of new cartridges, like the Hornady PRCs, and new bullets, like the Federal Terminal Ascent, rather than waiting for the 3rd edition of the cartridges book . . . plus access to the Vimeo feed. Just a thought.


22 Nov 2020
@ 04:37 am (GMT)

Scott Struif

Re: Gratuitous suggestion
I misspoke when I said I am dubious the LR Rifles and LR Cartridges books would help me just because I don’t hunt what most people would now define as “long range.” I meant to say, there’s so much info in the books I already have (Reloading, Accurizing, and LR Shooting), not to mention the Knowledgebase, that I’m still reviewing, processsing, and trying to implement, it’s hard to imagine I could absorb any more, . . . not that I think that I already know it all.
23 Nov 2020
@ 03:56 pm (GMT)

Paul Leverman

Re: Gratuitous suggestion
Have to agree with you,Scott. I don't hunt long range either, most shots are under 100 yards. But what I have learned from the "Long Range" series is invaluable at the bench. And from the bench, translates to confidence in the field. But there is always that one little tidbit that gets forgotten, until you read it again for the nth time.
24 Nov 2020
@ 08:44 am (GMT)

Scott Struif

Re: Gratuitous suggestion
Hi, Paul. I held-off buying LR Cartridges, 2nd ed., partly because it came out in 2017, so I knew it wouldn’t cover the latest-and-greatest products that have come out in the meantime. Boy, was that a mistake! The title is deceptive . . . not deliberately so, but in the sense that the book covers how bullets work at any range, not just long range, so the information is invaluable for any hunter, irrespective of range. It does try to define the outer limits of various cartridges relative to game weight, so in that sense it’s about “long range” hunting.

The reason I started this post is, I wondered what members’ feelings might be regarding paying for a subscription to support ongoing research. I don’t know how Nathan funds these endeavors. I suppose I could just cough up a donation every time I feel guilty for importuning on his time. Still, strength is in numbers. Maintaining this website is probably costly. Can he defray the cost with book sales alone? I don’t know. The Vimeo rental thing may be the answer he came up with. I rented the one on Model 700 setup and break-in, even though I don’t own one. The information was invaluable anyway.
24 Nov 2020
@ 01:02 pm (GMT)

Paul Leverman

Re: Gratuitous suggestion
We'll just have to wait and see what works best for the Fosters. I know that they deeply appreciate any and all support that we can give.
25 Nov 2020
@ 11:36 am (GMT)

Scott Struif

Re: Gratuitous suggestion
Hi, Paul. Yeah, you’re right, it’s none of my business, hence my use of the word “Gratuitous” in the title of this post. I finished LR Cartridges, and am now half-way through LR Rifles, another title I thought wouldn’t apply to me. I thought it was going to be about 26” barreled boomers in magnum cartridges. Au contraire! It’s also equally applicable to those of us who hunt at “normal” ranges. Had I read it first, I wouldn’t have wasted Nathan’s time asking why the top of a Tikka lug needs to be relieved, as one example.
28 Nov 2020
@ 09:59 am (GMT)

Nathan Foster

Re: Gratuitous suggestion
Hi Scott, thank you for your very kind words. Regarding subscriptions, it would be nice if we could set up a private forum with subscription access. This would serve a few functions. It would allow users and myself to discuss topics within the book series more openly. At present I do not generally allow the book contents to be discussed openly on the forum in order to protect income and also to avoid misrepresentation as a result of misinterpretation. Private subbed forum would also provide a steady stream of income. There are many aspects of our business that we are constantly accessing.


We are a small, family run business, based out of Taranaki, New Zealand, who specialize in cartridge research and testing, and rifle accurizing.
