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Reloading Data with Different Twist rate barrels

28 May 2020
@ 11:56 am (GMT)

Warwick Marflitt

So My ADI Books 35 Whelen Reloading data is for 1-16 twist 22 inch barrel.
My 35 Whelen BSA CF2 is Ackley Improved with 1-12 Twist, 26 inch Trueflite Barrel.....
So with 4 inch faster twist and longer barrel.. Do I start reloads lower than Book Min? I know that the proofs in the individual rifle..... I just don't want to waste time and resources starting at the wrong point....... Any one been there before....?


29 May 2020
@ 08:50 am (GMT)

Warwick Marflitt

Re: Reloading Data with Different Twist rate barrels
I have yet to bed this and have a new raw factory CF2 target stock in the cupboard as well..... Scopes are Sightron SIII 3.5-10x44 LRIRMOA & Nightforce NXS 1-4x24IR for thick Kaimai bush hunting....I've sat on this for too long. Life gets in the way of somethings sometimes.....

29 May 2020
@ 09:49 am (GMT)

Nathan Foster

Re: Reloading Data with Different Twist rate barrels
Hi Warwick, don't start lower than minimum as this can result in uneven burning with many powders. The only powder you can reduce by a small margin is 2206 / H4895). If you reduce your 2209 (H4350), you may see unburned kernals and odd behavior.

Yours also has a long throat. It will most likely handle generous powder loads. The Whelen is one of the few cartridges that can handle a wide range of powders without displaying problems, so long as it is loaded correctly.

As always, there are many variables.
31 May 2020
@ 03:22 am (GMT)

Paul Leverman

Re: Reloading Data with Different Twist rate barrels
Nice gun porn, Warwick. You gotta love it when you're told "It will most likely handle generous powder loads". Let the fun begin!


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