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S-Tac New reticles???

08 Dec 2017
@ 10:47 am (GMT)

Hamish Gibbs

Hi all I believe it was posted that Sightron was possibly looking at releasing their S-Tac with a Mil dot or similar reticule in there 3-16 and 4-20 power line? I have emailed sightron with this query and received no reply as yet. Without speculating please has anyone received any further information on this? I would be interested in such a scope and can wait if I know it's in the works otherwise I shall carry on my search for something similar.
Cheers in advance.


09 Dec 2017
@ 06:08 am (GMT)

Hamish Gibbs

Re: S-Tac New reticles???
09 Dec 2017
@ 02:57 pm (GMT)

Bryan Webster

Re: S-Tac New reticles???
I will have to see one before I could get interested...but I am curious...
Our issue here in Northern BC is we have no dealer where we can findly the new Sightron scopes.
09 Dec 2017
@ 07:44 pm (GMT)

Thomas Kitchen

Re: S-Tac New reticles???
hi Hamish
i have talked to sightron about this, i don't think they are in a hurry to do a mildot the more people ask the more chance they'll do it thou.
i have asked if they would do illuminated moa reticles to which seemed more promising
09 Dec 2017
@ 10:34 pm (GMT)

Hamish Gibbs

Re: S-Tac New reticles???
Thank you Bryan and Thomas, yes to clarify I will be sighting before buying, and not specifically after mil dot, just something a little more low light friendly than the moa in my 3-16(will never regret the purchase will just be used for different purpose).
So any folks out there interested in such a scope lets clarify here what we want so we can be unified in our pleas to sightron?
My wish list;
Good reticle visibility for fast close target acquisition and poor light work on low power settings.
Fine enough reticle centre and wind holdoffs for high power medium range work.
We can only ask.
10 Dec 2017
@ 07:04 am (GMT)

Nathan Foster

Re: S-Tac New reticles???
Hi Hamish, I have not heard any reports yet either. Sightron will be in the usual Christmas phase which I see a lot of companies caught in these days, trying to get product to retailers while also trying to wind down for the xmas break but also getting ready for SHOT next month which can be a logistical nightmare.

Will do my best to get into this next year but it may take some time.

I have noticed quite a difference between the 4-20 and 3-16 MOA reticles. The 4-20 is much heavier at 4x. But you may want to view it first to see if you like it. Otherwise, an SIII will do the trick.
18 Dec 2017
@ 09:37 am (GMT)

Hamish Gibbs

Re: S-Tac New reticles???
My bad on this people, just found this wee gem amongst all the other crap in my junk mail!

"Hello Hamish, thank you for your email.

We have discussed this with Nathan and have an illuminated model planned for 2018.

Other models will follow.


Thank you again Nathan
18 Dec 2017
@ 09:40 am (GMT)

Hamish Gibbs

Re: S-Tac New reticles???
Oh and that was from 29/11 so well before I posted this topic and not long after I sent the query to Sightron.
18 Dec 2017
@ 11:07 am (GMT)

Nathan Foster

Re: S-Tac New reticles???
Thanks for the update Hamish.

I do my best to help Sightron meet hunters needs, voicing concerns and so forth. I have spent quite a bit of time taking reticle photos at 5 minute intervals as the daylight fades, going over mock designs and so forth- running that fine line between being helpful versus annoying. It was kind of Alan to acknowledge this input.
02 Jan 2018
@ 11:49 am (GMT)

Ricardo Laborin

Re: S-Tac New reticles???
Sightron would do good, very good, to give Nathan 15% of the equity and let him run R&D...Remotely....
07 Jan 2018
@ 04:01 am (GMT)

Kenneth Kephart

Re: S-Tac New reticles???
I'd jump at the chance for that job!!


We are a small, family run business, based out of Taranaki, New Zealand, who specialize in cartridge research and testing, and rifle accurizing.
