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John SmithI am about to run out of Hornandy A-Max 7mm 162 grain bullets. Wouldsomeone confirm what took its place. |
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Jonathan KittermanRe: What replaced 7mm A-Max 162 grain?I believe ELD-M, extremely low drag - match in Hornady speak |
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Bryan WebsterRe: What replaced 7mm A-Max 162 grain?Quote: I believe ELD-M, extremely low drag - match in Hornady speak
Correct, and in my 7mm Rem Mag rifle they are more accurate than the old 162 grain A-max loads that I have by quite a bit. Hunting seasons here are just beginning so I have not used them for game yet, however I know there are several members on this forum that have. |
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John SmithRe: What replaced 7mm A-Max 162 grain?Thank you Jonathan and Bryan. These bullets are what Iwill be using in late October and early November elk hunting. I hope they are as effective as the A-Max. |
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Nathan FosterRe: What replaced 7mm A-Max 162 grain?Hi John, If you are using a magnum, I want you to try the 180gr ELD-M variant if you can afford to experiment with it. Start your load work way down low and come up cautiously. If it proves accurate at 100 yards, then stick with it. If you are using a mild powered cartridge, ignore this advice. See my last blog post for more info (pdf download from blog page). |
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John SmithRe: What replaced 7mm A-Max 162 grain?No, Nathan I am not using a magnum. Next week I will be at the rangeworking out the accuracy of the 162 gr.ELD Match in my 7x57 Ruger No. lA at 100 yards. |
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Paul WendeRe: What replaced 7mm A-Max 162 grain?Sorry to drag up an old thread, but I can't for the life of me find the article in your blog post about the 162 A-Max replacement. You mentioned a pdf article. I too am about to run out of A-Max and need to switch to the ELD or ??Nathan could you please point me in the right direction? Cheers |
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Nathan FosterRe: What replaced 7mm A-Max 162 grain?Hi Paul, no worries.ELD-M: Rebranded A-MAX. ELD-X: High BC version of the SST, same jacket thickness, same core. Besides a higher BC, the ELD-X lacks a cannelure. Those using heavy bullets will not have any major issues with this omission but .270 users might prefer to stick with the 150gr SST as the cannelure can help to control expansion. PDF article here: https://www.ballisticstudies.com/Knowledgebase/Hornady+ELD-X+and+ELD-M+Data.html |
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Nathan FosterRe: What replaced 7mm A-Max 162 grain?This might interest some of you. I dug up some more old footage, testing the 162gr A-MAX (now ELD-M).https://youtu.be/jBlIWpKxqL0 |